Saturday, September 29, 2012

Let Your Web Presence Soar with Website Design Darlington

There is no denying that the Internet is one of the hottest trends going, and appears it will remain that way for a long time to come.  It is difficult to comprehend that it didn't even exist at all just over 20 years ago.  But it has certainly come a long way since, and changed everyone's personal and professional lives forever. 

It is hard to imagine what it will look like five or even 10 years from now, as people find new uses for it and the very nature of the Web itself continues to mutate.  It was less than 10 years ago that social networks were not very popular, and not many people bothered to sign up for one of the available sites, let alone use it. 

But for some magical reason, Facebook changed all that, and today it is rapidly approaching over 1 billion users all over the world.  Who could have predicted that?  Somehow, this site and others like it tap into a subconscious need for people to connect this way, sharing thoughts, photographs and even favourite sites or videos with all people they are connected to.  As the Internet becomes a more complex organism, these social networks are beginning to play a more important role in how websites are evaluated.

 The major search engines have adapted their extremely complex algorithms to reflect the rise in influence and power of the social networks.  As a result, websites that don't have a tremendous amount of connections to these pages tend to rank lower than others that actively do.  This means that all existing and new web pages need to take these evolving realities into consideration and be prepared to address them.  It is becoming so complicated, that there is a growing field of expertise that has arisen to address exactly these needs. 

Experts such as website design Darlington will not only create great looking web pages for you that visitors will find inviting, but also make sure that it is easy for them to quickly become customers.  And just as importantly, they will be able to set up a company page on the various important social networks, including LinkedIn and Twitter, making sure that visitors can easily and quickly connect to them.  All of these details make a big difference in how your webpage is ranked by the major search engines.  The objective is always to be near the top of every search, because those pages that are listed after the first page of results tend to get very little new traffic.

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